I do not currently RP in-game.
All of my characters can be found on the Argent Dawn-EU Server.
I do not play on the NA realms.

Miriam Hales

Miriam was born in Gilneas, her parents' only child as her mother died in childbirth. Miriam grew up with her father and family friends, the Hales family. She lived a happy, albeit impoverished, life until she was 14 when her father was accused of crimes against the King and hauled off to prison.After that, Miriam fended for herself in the city, stealing and picking pockets to get by. Her best friend, Ethan Hales, managed to keep her out of trouble with the guard.When the worgen invasion started, Miriam was trapped in the city and had become cornered by a feral worgen. Ethan saved her life from them but it was too late, she was already bitten. After a few hours she had her first shift, she mauled Ethan then ran for her life into the woods.Many years later, after being given the ritual and after moving to Stormwind, Miriam and Ethan met once more and fell in love.Miriam and Ethan are now married and living in Boralus with their two kids, twins, and she now works as a school teacher.

Captain Ethan Hales

Ethan grew up in northern Gilneas, first born son to a lumberjack and a teacher. He often stuck close to his mother, but was groomed to take over his father's job as a lumberjack as well.On a trip to the city with his mother, Ethan observed the Grey Guard and the knights to King Greymane himself. From then on, Ethan decided he wanted to be a knight.He lied to the guard at 16 to join the army and ended up fighting during the Gilnean civil war on the side of the King. After the war, he aided Miriam with living in the city on her own, making sure the guards left her be and even helped her stay fed.When the worgen attacked, Ethan stayed in the city to evacuate civilians. He met with Miriam, not knowing she had been bitten, and was mauled by her before she ran away. He left, going to the Blackwald before he was put down by the guard.After he was freed of the curse, he went to Stormwind and joined the Alliance military. He fought against the Legion as well as in the Fourth War. After the fourth war, Ethan retired from the army and moved to Boralus with Miriam to become a guard and raise their children.Ethan now resides in Boralus with Miriam and their twins, a Captain of the Guard of Boralus, and well liked by all that meet him.

Evanthe "Eva" Ravenswood

Eva grew up in Gilneas as an only child, her father a very highly respected Gilnean knight to the King. She was born totally blind due to a genetic defect, doctors warning her parents that if they had other children the outcome would likely be the same for them.Her mother, Lilah, resented Eva for this. Blamed her for 'ruining' her life and her image in Gilneas. Eva's mother made no attempt to hide this hatred, even to other nobles and Gilnean citizens. Her father did not know as he was so busy with his work.During the worgen invasion, Eva and her parents were camped with some of the survivors when their caravan was ambushed during the night. Eva was bitten and left for dead by her mother. She was saved by the Kaldorei and given her rites in the Blackwald. After this she travelled with them to Darnassus and lived there for many years, learning the skills of druidism, herbalism, and how to live independently despite her disadvantage.After the burning of Teldrassil, Eva moved to Elwynn Forest, reconnecting with her parents, and living her life independently. She makes coin by aiding farmers in Elwynn with their crops and helping to keep the balance of nature especially after the scourge invasion.Eva's true passion is music, having taught herself as a child to play the harp by ear and memorizing entire songs. She plays without sheet music and often lets emotion guide her hands when creating a new song.


Seva grew up in a small caravan of among the dunes of Vol'dun, youngest of two girls. Both she and her sister, Tansi, possessed a connection to the elements but once beginning training and studying Seva proved far too impatient for it all.As a young adolescent her and her caravan were capture by Sethrak to trade as slaves or make into pelts. Seva, always being small and opportunistic, managed to get out of her cage but had to leave the others behind in order to flee.After fleeing the Sethrak she wandered, making camps and keeping herself alive in the harsh deserts, and when the Horde and Alliance began the Fourth War she used it as an opportunity scavenge the corpses. On one such body she found a tome, full of spells and warlock rituals, that unlocked her interest in the demonic arts.With this new tome Seva began to study and learn the twisted magic.

Sir Gabriel Bainsbridge

Son of a wealthy noble family with close ties to the King of Gilneas, Gabriel grew up in the upper echelon of society. When he was a young man he enlisted in the army and found his love for horseback riding and mounted combat.Gabriel saw the Gilnean civil war and fought on the side of King Greymane. When the worgen flooded Gilneas, Gabriel and his soliders were attacked by a pack of the beasts, one of whom biting into him and leaving him for dead.After his rites were completed and he regained his human form, Gabriel went to Stormwind. From there he joined the Alliance Military and was promptly placed in the 7th Legion. He has since fought in the final war with the Legion as well as the Fourth War.A heavily decorated knight, Gabriel is primarily a cavalry man. His skill on horseback is unmatched, his skill with a polearm coming a close second however.He currently lives in Stormwind, with his wife Evanthe, training new blood in the city to replace those lost to the fight in the Shadowlands.

Mawsworn Miriam

Mawsworn Miriam, Mistress of Torghast, was once a mortal sent to aid those in the Shadowlands in defeating The Jailer.She was captured and brought to the tower where she was corrupted and dominated to serve. Her Light magic, once a beacon of hope, now infused with the power of the Maw and Domination. She was broken and soon became one of the Jailer's most feared weapons.After the Jailer's defeat she sought to rebuild Torghast and do what Zovaal could not. She quickly amassed loyal followers, soldiers, and power as she took over each wing and floor of the Tower. This included corrupting her husband in life and making him her Champion.After gaining control of Torghast and crowning herself the new Jailer, Miriam has set her sights on the rest of the Shadowlands.

Sean Woodmoore

Sean was born and raised in Gilneas city, born to lower-middle class parents who were too busy with their own lives to pay much attention to what their son was doing. When the worgen invaded Gilneas, Sean hid from the beasts in a slain noble's house and took the opportunity to finally reinvent himself.He fled Gilneas successfully under the noble's name, Sean Woodmoore, and continued to keep the lie going when he arrived in Stormwind.Sean would spend a few years building a decent business of exporting in Stormwind, gaining notable wealth and status among Stormwind's noble houses.After the fourth war Sean looked to expand his business to Duskwood and wanted to do so personally. On his trip he was caught by feral worgen in the evening and barely escaped with his life. Unfortunately he was bitten by said feral worgen, the citizens of Duskwood doing all they could to get aid from the Kaldorei.After he was turned, Sean struggled with his sense of self as well as adapting to his new body. He resides in Stormwind, often frequenting bars and noble parties in hopes of forgetting his misery in the sparkling lights.


Nora Stonedancer

Nora was born into a small tribe of High Mountain tauren that occupy the cliffs to the west. Her tribe, led by her father, have a close relationship with the earthen elementals of the area. Nora has grown up around these elementals and shares a special bond with them as a result.Now as the days go by Nora is being taught and groomed to take over as leader of her tribe so that her father can peacefully pass on to his next great adventure. She is a level-headed woman who tries to give each option presented to her equal thought before she acts.Nora spends a lot of her time communing with elementals, enjoying High Mountain, and carving totems by hand.





Jasper Brynnton

Jasper grew up in Gilneas city and had a rather boring upbringing as the middle child with five other siblings. He has always been a quiet and withdrawn person who likes his alone time above all else.As a young man Jasper enrolled in the Gilnean military and served as infantry without much complaint. He was good at his job and it put food on his table. He also lived alone in a small house on one of the city's side streets.During the worgen invasion he was attacked in his home and bitten by one of the beasts. He underwent the curse and wandered as a feral worgen for years before being caught and given the elixir to bring him to his senses.After that he sought a way to calm the anger in his heart and he found his way to Pandaria. There he followed the teachings of the monks and was able to finally calm the beast.Jasper had developed a love for Pandaren way of life and decided to settle on a run down farm in Halfhill. Working as a handyman and carpenter he makes a decent living and even met a pandaren woman named Lao who he has fallen in love with.


Lao Rainstone

Lao grew up as the youngest of three daughters in a small sea side village. Her family had little money and made what they could by scavenging and finding precious trinkets near the beaches. When her sisters grew old enough they went to train as monks but Lao wanted something much more laid back and simple.Using whatever coin she could save up she purchased a very old and run down citrus grove in Halfhill. It needed nearly three times the purchase cost in repairs but she didn't care. It was hers. It took awhile but she got enough of the orange trees cleaned up to be able to harvest them next season and from then on she made her living selling various preserves and foods at the markets.Despite the various threats to Pandaria Lao has always managed to keep her little slice of the island in one piece.

Captain Kendra Asheton




Nadia "Shadewalker" Amari